
更新时间:2020-10-19 来源:法律论文 点击:


in both britain and the us, when a person is accused of a rime it must be shown that they are guilty "beyond reasonable doubt". a person is always innocent(无罪) in the eyes of the law until they have been proved to be guilty by a court they can sometimes ask for permission to appeal(上诉) to a higher court in the hope that it will change this decision.

  criminal law in england and wales

  when someone is arrested (arrest) by the police, a magistrate (=an official who judges cases in some types of courts) decides whether there is enough evidence(证据) against the person for the case to go to court. if there is enough evidence and the case is a serious one, the person accused(控告) of the crime (called 'the accused(被告)') is sent to a crown court for a trial with a judge and jury (=12 members of the public who have to decide if the accused is guilty(有罪的), then the judge decides the sentence(判决) (2) (=punishment). if there is enough evidence against the accused but the crime is not a serious one (for example a traffic offence) then the case is heard in a magistrates court.

  if found guilty in the crown court the accused may apply to(请求) the court of appeal (criminal division) where he or she will be heard by a judge. sometimes a high court judge from the queen's bench division assists in dealing with criminal matters in the court of appeal or crown court.

  criminal law in northern ireland

  in northern ireland, as in england and wales, someone accused of a crime may be tried in a magistrates' court or a crown court depending on how serious the crime is. appeals from the crown court are heard in the northern ireland court of appeal.

  criminal law in scotland

  scotland has a separate court system. after a person is arrested by the police, an official called the procurator fiscal is in charge of deciding whether there is enough evidence against the accused for a trial. if there is enough evidence and the crime is a very serious one, the accused is sent to the high court of justiciary where there is a judge and jury(陪审团) (in scotland there are 15 people on a jury). if there is enough evidence but the crime is a less serious one, the case is heard in a sheriff court (the sheriff is a trained lawyer who acts as a judge). appeals from the sheriff court go to the high court of justiciary.





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2022-03-21 08:10:58   重阳节心得体会   重阳节的心得体会  


今天,永远在路上播放了第五集把纪律挺在前面,把纪律挺在前面就是要告诉大家法律面前人人平等,法律挺在前面就是要明确法纪,从严治党,下面就是把纪律挺在前面心得体会,请参考。 把纪律挺在前面心得体会第一篇[db:cate]

2020-09-22 18:18:35  



2020-09-20 08:32:29