
更新时间:2021-04-14 来源:高中 点击:





  (1) 倍数 as...as (意思是“A是B的几倍”。)

  I am twice as old as he. 我的年纪是他的两倍。

  He earns twice as much as he used to. 他比往常多赚二倍的钱。

  An ordinary subway train, approaching the station, can be twice as loud as the loudest jet. 发出的声音可能是喷射机的两倍。

  She studies three times as hard as I. 她用功的程度是我的三倍。

  This line is four times as long as that one. 这条线是那条线的四倍长。

  We've produced twice as much cotton this year as ten years ago. 今年的棉花比十年前多了一倍。

  He has got three times as many books as his sister. 他拥有的书的数量是他妹妹的三 倍。

  在比较级前,还可以用over,more thant 等表示“比……倍还要多”。例如:

  He is more than three times as rich as I. 他的财富是我的三倍还不止。

  I am more than twice as old as he. 我的年龄是他的两倍还不止。

  He studies more than three times as hard as I. 他用功的程度是我的三倍还不止。

  He has collected more than three times as many stamps as I .他搜集的邮票是我的三倍还不止。

  (2) 倍数+比较级 (意思是:A是B的几倍)

  Line A is four times the length of line B. 线条 A 是线条 B 的四倍长。

  I have five times the number of Tom’s books. 我有五倍于汤姆的书。

  He has three times my money. 他的钱是我的三倍。

  The river is ten times the length of the Tamsui River. 这条河的长度是淡水河的十倍。

  This street is four times shorter than that one. 这条街道比那条短四倍。

  The mother elephant is one hundred times heavier than the baby elephant.这只母象比小象重一百倍。

  It is ten times louder than another. 它比另外一个的声音大十倍。

  This street is three times wider than that one. 这条街比那条街宽三倍。

  I am twice older than he. 我的年纪比他大两倍。

  使用more...than 比较级的例句:

  He earns five times more money than he did ten years ago. 他现在挣的钱比十年前挣的多 5 倍。

  There are twice more students in our class than in theirs. 我们班的学生人数比他们班多两倍。


  The box is one-third bigger than that one. 这个盒子比那个盒子大三分之一。

  Last year the output value of industry was 59 percent higher than that of 1976. 去年工业产值比 1976 年增长了 59 %。

  My command of English is not half so good as yours. 我英语掌握得还不及你的一半儿好。

  在比较级前,还可以用over,more thant 等表示“比……倍还要多”。例如:

  It was over twice the distance of the earth from the sun. 那是地球到太阳的距离的两倍多。

  He has more than three times my money. 他的钱是我的三倍还不止。

  2、倍数+the 度量词 of...

  The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. 地球的体积是月球的 49 倍。

  This river is three times the depth of that one. 这条河深度是那条河的三倍。


  The length of the road is four times what it was three years ago. 这条路的长度是三年前的 4 倍。

  The price of the meat is twice what it was last year. 肉价是去年的两倍。

  The size of the sun is a million times over that of the earth. 太阳的体积比地球的体积大一百万倍。

  He is three times up on your age. 他的年龄是你的 4 倍(或:比你的年龄大 3 倍)

  In this workshop the output of July was 3.5 times that of January. 七月份的产量是元月份的 3.5 倍


  (1) 英语中有些词表示特定的倍数,例如: again (一倍), twice, double (两倍), triple (三倍), fourfold (四倍) 等数。

  My Aunt is as old again as I am. 我姑姑的年龄比我大一倍。

  The top-brand clothes are often sold as double the normal price here. 售价经常比正常的售价高一倍。

  The new work procedure tripled the output. 新工艺使产量增加两倍。

  The output of grain increased fourfold. 粮食产量增加了三倍。

  (2) 使用by, compared with 等

  Compared with last year, our coal output has increased by three times.

  与去年相比,我们的煤产量增长了 3 倍。(使用by...)

  His speed is faster than mine by four times.

  他的速度比我的快 4 倍。

  The number of the students in our school has increased four times compared with 1980.

  我们学校的学生人数比 1980 年增加了 3 倍。(使用 compared with)

  The production of integrated circuits has been increased to three times as compared with last year. 集成电路的产量比去年增加了两倍。

  The principal advantage of the products is a two-fold reduction in weight.


  I’ve paid five times the usual price for the stamp.


  The average income of the staff has been increased by 50 percent compared with last year.


  The price of TVs are twofold down over these years.


  She spent half as much money as you.



  1. Americans eat ________ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.

  A. more than twice B. as twice as many

  C. twice as many as D. more than twice as many

  2. Paper produced every year is _______ the world's production of vehicles.

  A. the three weight of B. three times the weight of

  C. as three times heavy as D. three times as heavier as

  3. With the help of the German experts, the factory produced ______ cars in 1993 as the year before.

  A. as twice many B. as many twice

  C. twice as many D. twice many as

  4. This ship measures ________ that one.

  A. as twice as long B. as twice long as

  C. twice long as D. twice as long as

  5.After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced _______ tractors in 1988 as the year before.

  A. as twice many B. as many as

  C. as twice as many D. twice as many



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万圣节,在每年的11月1日,是西方的传统节日;而万圣节前夜的10月31日是这个节日最热闹的时刻。在中文里,常常把万圣节前夜(Halloween)讹译为万圣节(AllSaints Day)。以下是小编整理的我的使命作文800字高中精选4篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。

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