
更新时间:2020-10-16 来源:常用文书 点击:


61. that’s all(so much) for the class .time’s up.下课时间已到,本课时就讲这么多。

62. after class,you’re to read the text again.课后,大家还得再读一会儿。

63. and you ought to hand in the homework in time.大家要及时上交作业。

64. let’s take a break, see you later,everyone.休息一会儿,同学们,再见。

65. according to the study demand (require) and our arrangement,we’ll do an action.根据学习需要和安排,我们要搞一项活动。

66. from now on, at the beginning of every chinese class, we’ll ask someone to do the oral composition.从现在开始,在每堂语文课上课之始,我们请同学们做口头作文。

67. do you understand what i said just now ?大家明白我刚才说的意思吗?

68. now, you may make preparations for it in ten minutes.现在,大家可以准备十分钟。

69. the lecture will begin in a minute, let’s get ready.演讲稍候就要开始,准备一下。

70. whose turn is it today ?轮到谁了?

71. are you ready now?准备好了吗?

72. please do it in front of the blackboard.请到黑板前来做这个练习。

73. let’s give him(her) a warm welcome(clap).让我们用掌声欢迎他(她)。

74. please write down your title of oral composition on the right of the blackboard.请把你的作文题目写在黑板右面。

75. thanks for father’s love.感谢父爱。

76. the first unforgetable cut class.难忘那第一次逃学。

77. you’d better do it without draft.最好不要带稿。

78. good job! you have done it with some grace, but your content isn’t much(enough).做得不错,大方自然,只是内容偏少。

79. just now our classmate zhang ming gave us a lecture, i think it is well done, i’d like to ask for some students’opinion on it.刚才我们的同学张明给我们做了一次演讲,我认为他做得很不错,我想听一听一些同学对它的意见。

80. how do you think of his lecture?你觉得他的演讲怎么样?






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