
更新时间:2020-10-17 来源:常用文书 点击:


321. i’ll show you how to do it.让我告诉你怎么办。

322. let’s go home, it’s getting dark.快回家吧,天黑了。

323. your cold may get worse if you don’t go to see the doctor at once.不去马上看医生,你的感冒会更厉害。

324. he caught a cold, but he soon get well after a good rest.他感冒了,好好休息就好了。

325. do you have any red ink in your pen ?你钢笔里有红墨水吗?

326. this movie will be shown early next week.这个电影要在下周演出。

327. have you found the book you’re looking for.你找到你要找的书了吗?

328. i found the story was very interesting.我发现这个故事挺有意思。

329. i’m afraid that i can’t cut a long story short. 我恐怕不能压缩这个长故事。

330. he noticed you study in the room yesterday.他知道你昨天在这屋里学习过。

331. i knew i had made a mistake.我知道我错了。

332. i’m sure you’ll pass the entrance examination.我相信你一定能通过这次入学考试。

333. mr.zhang is in the opposite office now .张老师现在对门的办公室。

334. i hope this kind of thing will never happen again.我希望这种事情再也不要发生。

335. let me think for a moment.让我想一想。

336. i have thought over the question quite carefully.我很仔细地考虑了这个问题。

337. i think your answer is correct.我认为你的回答是对的。

338. what do you think of our plan?你对我们的计划有什么要说的吗?

339. there’re many computers in the lesson-preparing office.在我们备课室里有很多电脑。

340. where did you learn how to operate computer?你在哪里学的电脑操作?





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